About Me


Dietitian Nutritionist


My name is Margaret Alstead. I am a registered dietitian. Healing from several autoimmune diseases is possible – I am living proof.
I use a 5 pronged approach to healing chronic illness, especially those related to the gut or GI system.

Together, we will Remove, Replace, Repair, Re-inoculate, Relax for a full approach to healing your gut, once and for all.

If you have struggled with GI issues, let’s work together to get these resolved.


Well, it’s a complicated story but worth the read. I have healed my own autoimmune problems after discovering functional nutrition. This was an astounding moment for me. I thought I had all the answers to nutrition just by being a dietitian. Well, this advanced education and knowledge changed all of that! Through diet and supplements, I have gotten off my medications for ulcerative colitis and psoriasis. I have to say I regret spending years of my life on conventional medications including oral pills and enemas/suppositories. After I learned I had bugs in my colon as well as a colon that was not balanced, I took action. It took a long time to heal but here I am, not perfect, but way better off than before. Supporting immune health has been key. Functional nutrition and functional medicine change my life and my practice as a dietitian. Now, I want to help others heal from their GI issues and improve their gut health.

I have been a registered dietitian since 1993. I earned my certification in functional nutrition. I am equipped to help you heal from chronic health issues relating to your gut and GI health.

Conventional medicine continued to treat me with a one-size-fits-all approach, without delving deeper. Topical medications for my chronic skin and GI issues did not help heal my problems. Creams for dandruff, itchy skin and psoriasis only put bandaids on the problem. Topical enemas, suppositories and oral medicines for my ulcerative colitis kept my symptoms in check but never treated the root cause of why I had these autoimmune conditions. I was very close to be put on a biologic drug for my ulcerative colitis when I discovered functional medicine. I was shocked to learn that gut infections, a parasite, mold and EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) plagued my body. I was sick. The right foods, supplements, relaxation and healing have gotten rid of these toxins and my health improved. There are many paths to detox your body and my program will support you in this process.
After I saw the difference in functional medicine in my own health, I delved into learn as much as I could. I obtained my certification in functional nutrition and this has forever changed how I approach my own health and they way I help and treat people I work with. This approach treats the reason you are sick and heals you.

What about you? What is your story?

Contact me.  Share your story.  I will listen.  Together we will work together to get you feeling better.

I have made mistakes, have had set-backs and flares, but I know that the way to heal from chronic illness is through our GI tract and what we put in our bodies.